The Bridesmaids-words from Keeva



 The Groomspeople-words from Michael




How to get hereWhere to eat, Where to sleepthe Wedding PartyBack to the Main PageWhat We're Wearing and What the Wedding Will Be LikeHoneymoon in GermanyMaking Gift Selection Easy




Best Man


Matron of Honor:

I first met Chris when his band Situation Grey hired me as their soundman way back when we were all much younger. That remains the only job I was ever fired from, and Chris the only person to ever fire me. He has since become one of the dearest people in my life. Camping trips and other forest wanderings, nights of X-files and cheesecake, walks into unknown Bloomington swamps, van trips to New York and Austin, movies (where's Tina), an album that almost finished us all, live shows with Fabric and Uvula.......all these memories flood with thoughts of my best man.

Chris is one of the greatest songwriters I know and I truly love the music he makes. Whether making music, gardening, or walking around Bloomington Chris has an incredibly beautiful take on life, I could not ask for a better best friend.

Ginger was my R.A. (Resident Assistant) during my freshman year at ISU. She took me in on my first night-when I was nervous and lonely-and put me to work helping her cut out construction paper smiley faces. She has been my friend ever since.

We have shared quite a lot through the years: Roommates, musicals, calling each other during X-Files, road trips to Chicago and Michigan, screaming ourselves hoarse while watching Viktor Petrenko skate, quoting the Princess Bride and Jeff Foxworthy, free birthday dinners at Mr. Steak...

I was Ginger's maid of honor (and she has assured me payback is hell), and I'm now honored to be 'Auntie Keeva' to her baby girl Madison. I've been very fortunate to have Ginger as my best friend for the past decade, and I thank the Fates for bringing her into my life!

aka "Suzie"




Tina was running lights for Mere Mortals when I first met her. As our many mutual friends became evident we began a wonderful friendship dedicated to watching really, really, really BAD movies. Tina formed the band Fabric with Chris and a demonic presence that will go un-named. It was around this time that I knew that she would always be a part of my life.

Somewhere along the line Tina became "Suzie" and we began our quest to find the worst movies made and see them together. I am so happy to have Tina standing beside me.

I've known Lora since my senior year in high school. She was my 'artsy' friend who actually enjoyed going to the opera with me! We also embarked upon the occasional odd field trip together-which included a trip to the zoo after graduation rehearsal. After bouncing around to a couple of different colleges, I ended up in the Purdue theatre department with her, where the 'occasional odd field trip' included a midnight run to Chicago.

As well as bridesmaid, Lora is also our costume designer. She is very talented and has been a huge help with the wedding. Michael and I are very happy to have her in our wedding party!

Moochas Smoochas, Lorala!!! 




Jake Belser


Jake and I met while we were both working for Gene Frazier as sound engineers. The shows we worked on together included a rainy, muddy show on a baseball field where Jake spent the whole time hobbling around with a cast on his leg. Something about trying to play Tarzan. Over the years his phobia of Catsup packets (actually anything in a packet) have become a great source for practical jokes. There was also a bit of revenge with overly sweet incense, Jake's car, and a very hot day.

Jake has been a great resource as a professional colleague and has become a very close friend over the past few years.



Email Keeva

Email Michael